Carnivores Beware!

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Pre-Thanksgiving Stress Disorder by Rowland Bercy Jr. is a gem of a short holiday themed read! In my humble opinion there really aren’t a whole lot of Thanksgiving themed horror stories. Let alone movies! Unless you want to watch Thankskilling. Which may be funny but sure looks pretty silly, but fun I’m sure. Anyways, I think Rowland did a fantastic job, and it was a fun vengeance filled read!

Rebecca is a hardcore vegan, and when her dreaded and most hated holiday roles around she starts to get antsy. She just can’t help the anxiety that begins to course through her veins. When she thinks of all of the poor turkeys that will be slaughtered for the sole purpose of humans filling their pie holes. Especially when the atrocities that the feathered friends undergo.

Rebecca decides she will not idly sit by this year! She begins Simple by picketing by a turkey grower and manufacturing plant run by a wealthy family. She is ridiculed, tormented, and teased. This doesn’t deter her from her goal to do something for the greater turkey good!

Rebecca continues her mission no matter what, and nothing is going to stand in her way! She has plans for a super special Thanksgiving for the family that they won’t soon forget! Will she accomplish her mission? Will victory be her’s? Or will it all be a pipe dream?

This is a vegetarian/vegan’s wet dream of a horror story! Heck, it even hits the mark for all horror fans. Rowland writes eloquently, as always, and it is easy to devour. I love Thanksgiving and turkey, so I felt a bit guilty as I read. However, I still must give this read 4.5 turkey tail feathers out of 5 defeathering machines. Although Thanksgiving has passed please join us on Facebook very soon for a live interview/Q&A with Rowland himself! Join Horror Nerds 😈 for the full details at the following Facebook link. Until next time, my friends.

Written by Andy C. on 12/05/2021

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